Remember: The Amber Alert is incomplete without YOUR prayers!
Thank You for Praying!

Copyright 1996-2011 Don Watson. All Rights Reserved. The "Hessen" website
provides insights for ALL genealogical research in Germany, not just Hessen

HessenGenWeb and HsGnWb, GermanGenWeb and GerGenWeb™ ® © Don Watson 1996-2011

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I MAY be able to assist with Translations, German>English>German,
Modern & Old Script. Hobby only ~ response asap.

Discover the meaning of your German first, middle, and last name!

GermanGenWeb Interface for Germany Genealogy

This is a mirror archive of Don Watson's Website. I have his explicit permission to do so. If you wish to mirror this site, please contact Don and get his permission. He owns the copyright. Don is not responsible for any errors on this mirror, and his site will be going away at some future point. I have his permission to maintain this mirror.
Use of all research options is free.
Information, including links, is for
information purposes only. You decide
what to do with it.

Für die Inhalte aller hier aufgelisteten Seiten auf fremden Servern ist der Autor dieser Seite, Don Watson, nicht verantwortlich. Da es laut Urteil des Aktenzeichen für einen Haftungsausschluß nach deutschem Recht notwendig ist, sich vom Inhalt der gelinkten Webseiten zu distanzieren, erkläre ich hiermit, daß ich mich von allen auf den gelinkten Seiten getätigten Aussagen ausdrücklich distanziere.

Weitere Informationen


0000 = Midnight
0100 = 1am
0200 = 2am
0300 = 3am

24-Hour Time Clock
Each city shown is a clickable
link to additional information
about that city, how to dial the
number, etc.

1200 = 12 Noon
1300 = 1pm
1400 = 2pm
1500 = 3pm


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Don't miss the Gold Box!
Precisely what you need to get started in online and
offline research techniques,
including insights into modern Hessen and all other German states
Go To Research 101
Your Key to everything at the website - Part One
Go To Table of Links

Part Two "LinkTables"
 Go to LinkTables

......and give this one a try! is a German search engine!

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Questions, Problems, Personal Assistance,

HessenGenWeb and HsGnWb, GermanGenWeb and GerGenWeb ® © Don Watson 1996-2010

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