Modern Counties in Hessen

Darmstadt is a city with the status of a county. Darmstadt-Dieburg (DA) is the county that surrounds the city of Darmstadt

Frankfurt/Main (F)
Fulda (FD)
Gießen (GI)
Groß-Gerau (GG)
Heppenheim an der Bergstraße (HP)
Hersfeld-Rotenburg (HEF)
Hochtaunuskreis/Bad Homburg (HG)
Kassel (KS)
Lahn-Dill-Kreis (LDK)
Limburg-Weilburg (LM)
Main-Kinzig-Kreis/Hanau (HU)
Main-Taunus-Kreis/Hofheim (MTK)
Marburg-Biedenkopf (MR)
Odenwaldkreis/Erbach (ERB)
Offenbach (OF)
Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis/Bad Schwalbach (RÜD)
Schwalm-Eder-Kreis/Homberg/Efze (HR)
Vogelsbergkreis (VB)
Waldeck-Frankenberg/Korbach (KB)
Werra-Meißner-Kreis (ESW)
Wetteraukreis/Friedberg (FB)
Wiesbaden (WI)

The red dots are county-free example cities. In the example for Frankfurt, the city/county/administrative district/state/country configuration is as follows:

Frankfurt am Main, (no county or district), Hessen, Germany

In the example for Darmstadt, the example is:

Darmstadt, (no county), Hessen-Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany. However, the cities surrounding Darmstadt are in Darmstadt-Dieburg County. An example would be: Pfungstadt, Darmstadt-Dieburg, Hessen-Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany.

In the case of Kassel, the configuration is:

Kassel, Kassel, Hessen-Kassel, Hessen, Germany